The Lord Is With You In Trouble.
The Son of God was in the fiery furnace with the three Hebrew men. After the trouble was over, they didn’t even smell like smoke!
David said that when he walked through the valley of the shadow of death, the Lord was “with Him.”
He never leaves your side. He will be right there “until the trouble is over.”
You Will Come Out Of This Trouble Much Stronger.
Christ was crossing the sea of Galilee when a sudden storm threatened to sink His boat. He rebuked the storm and stopped it.
That storm was not the will of God (many things are not). Satan sent it for one reason: to stop Christ from reaching the other side. There, on the other side, was a maniac filled with at least 6000 demons who Christ would set completely free.
After the trouble is over, you will be stronger. Your faith will have grown stronger. Your sense of victory will be contagious. Your dull, defeated countenance will become radiant.
Let’s start thinking about the day that the trouble is over.
I know it may be dark and look impossible right now. But:
God has a plan. Your prayer has been answered. Satan has made more out of this than there is. The Lord is with you, and you will emerge stronger.
You are already on the winning sid